
Why is crib safety important

2022-07-18 20:00

Babies sleep in baby cribs for a long time after birth. Using cribs that do not meet safety standards is prone to suffocation or falling over, which poses a great safety hazard.

In order to reduce crib accidents, in 2011, the American CPSC (Consumer Safety Association) formulated very strict safety standards for crib safety, strictly stipulating the production, sales and use of cribs.

1、Check the distance between the baby crib and the sides of the Travel Cot Mattress. It is safe to insert two fingers into the gap between the Travel Cot Mattress and the baby crib  each time the sheets are changed, no more than two fingers apart.

baby cribs

2、Check for loose parts of the baby crib. Shake the baby crib after taking the travel cot mattress out of the crib and tighten all screws if it feels loose, vibrates, or hears noises.

3、If you find loose or damaged baby crib  , contact the manufacturer for warranty or replacement. It is not recommended to fix or repair by yourself with tools such as tape and wires.

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