Let your baby sleep more safely
2022-09-26 20:00Help parents and caregivers develop safe sleep protocols
As a parent, you make many decisions every day to keep your child healthy and safe. When it comes to bedtime, your baby's sleep environment is important - whether it's day or night. Certain things you do while your baby sleeps can improve safety. This brochure provides information to help you understand how to keep your baby's sleeping environment as safe as possible - so your baby can sleep more safely every day.
Ensure the safety of your baby's sleep every time
put baby to sleep
Put your baby to sleep on his back every time he takes a break, whether it's a nap or nighttime sleep.
Use a firm mattress with no safety risks
Use a firm mattress for your baby without bumper pads, pillows, heavy blankets, knits or toys. This keeps their sleeping space safe.
Use a baby crib or baby bassinet
The safest place for your baby to sleep at home or while traveling is a Health Canada approved baby crib, or baby bassinet. Plan ahead when traveling and make sure you have a safe place to sleep for your baby along the way.
breastfeed as much as possible
Another way to prevent sleep related infant deaths is breastfeeding—it boosts the baby's immune system. The more you breastfeed, the stronger your baby's immune protection. Any amount of breast milk can help keep your baby healthy
Share a room with your baby
For the first six months of life, you should sleep with your baby in the same room and on two separate surfaces.
Create a smoke free environment
Smoking increases your baby's risk of dying from sleep-related problems. Quitting smoking can be difficult, but quitting during pregnancy and creating a smoke-free home around your baby's birth can help prevent sleep-related infant mortality. To be extra careful, keep your baby out of marijuana, vaping, and e-cigarettes during pregnancy and after birth.